Quick and Easy Step: How to walk in high heel shoes

High heel shoes are normally classed as any heel height over 3" or 4" (inches), although this is a matter of opinion. Some heels can be as high as 6" or even 7" without a platform.

You may wonder how women can walk in such high heels, or if you are experienced at wearing 2" or 3" heel shoes, you may wonder how it is possible to achieve that extra inch or two. But through correct practice, confidence, and experience it is possible.

Sebetulnya banyak sekali metode dan cara belajar bagaimana mengenakan sepatu ber-hak tinggi and I have detailed some of the easiest and most common suggestions.

1. Saat memakai sepatu, kenakan dengan posisi duduk ternyaman kalian.
If you are planning to wear heels outdoors or at a party on the weekend, even to the office, wear them around the house for a few hours first until they feel natural.

2. Cobalah jalan dengan gaya model runway.
Try standing in front of a mirror and walking in a straight line placing one foot in front of the other. Check the motion of your legs and body as you walk towards the mirror. Keep your feet pointing forward and legs straight.

Try wearing high heel shoes on both soft and hard surfaces will give you a greater understanding of how the shoe will react and respond. Tapi ingat! Jangan gunakan pada tanah basah dan lembab karena akan beresiko merusak sepatu kalian :)

4. Mind your shoe size!
Ensure that they are the correct size, incorrectly sized heels will cause discomfort and lead to misleading effects when walking. Terkadang, ukuran flat shoes dan sneakers kalian bisa berbeda dengan ukuran high heels. Sepatu dengan hak lebih tinggi cenderung membutuhkan ruang yang lebih untuk telapak kaki kalian menekuk mengikuti bentuk sepatu yang 'curvy'. Kalau sudah begini, tambahkan 1 ukuran pada nomor ukuran sepatu tanpa hak kalian. Voila! That's a perfect size for your high heel shoes.

5. Cobalah duduk dengan kaki berjinjit (jari menyentuh lantai dan telapak terangkat keatas) seperti bentuk high heels kalian. I believe
this will help to develop a stronger ankle and better balance.

6. Saatnya berlatih menaiki dan menuruni tangga! Untuk tahap pertama kalian bisa coba dengan bantuan pegangan pada tangga. Namun untuk tahap selanjutnya beranikan diri untuk coba tanpa berpegangan. Satu masalah yang biasa terjadi saat menaiki tangga sambil mengenakan high heels adalah heels yang kadang terbentur tangga. Untuk menghindari hal itu cobalah menaikinya menggunakan kaki yang sejajar dengan anak tangga alias horizontal.

If your feet become tired try sitting down for a while and removing your heels. Give them a short massage from ankle to toe.

As always, practice makes perfect. You may have to wear heels many times before they start to feel natural.

Selamat mencoba!

♥, Marissa